Ductless Mini-Split Systems in Las Vegas
A More Energy-Efficient Cooling Solution
Sometimes, you need more 立博手机app than your home is built to provide. 在理想的世界里, 拉斯维加斯的每一栋建筑都将有一个高效的管道中央立博手机app系统,将冷气均匀地分配到各处. 但在很多情况下,你的建筑没有足够的冷却能力, whether you lack ducts or the air simply doesn’t circulate efficiently indoors. 许多房主选择安装无管道迷你分体式立博手机app来单独控制每个房间的温度.
Whether you have a ductless mini-split system that needs repairs, or you would like to install a new ductless unit, 遗产在这里提供拉斯维加斯客户所了解和信任的高品质服务.
呼叫 (725) 237-2441 to schedule an appointment!
The Highest Standards of AC Service
遗产立博手机app致力于提供最高质量的AC服务. We strive to provide same-day services to 房主, with NATE-certified technicians and 响应 customer service. 无论您是遇到立博手机app紧急情况还是想在不久的将来安排服务, 我们将按照您的时间表工作,并确保您的无管道迷你分体式系统在完成工作后处于最佳工作状态.
事实上, we have partnered with Mitsubishi, 无管道微型分体式系统的领先制造商,以提供不仅仅是专家服务, but the highest caliber of mini-split installations and repairs in the industry.
What Exactly Is a Ductless Mini-Split AC?
For those of you who are just now exploring the options of ductless mini-splits, we’ll love to start by outlining what these AC systems really are, 它们是如何工作的, and how 房主 can benefit from their use.
- 室外机 – Like with your normal AC, the outdoor unit does the majority of the cooling work, releasing hot exhaust and draining the condensate. 它通过管道连接到内部单元(一些电线和管道包裹在整洁的塑料中).
- 的管道 – This contains a power cable, refrigerant tubing for on-demand cold, 吸油管, and a condensate drain. 这只需要一个小洞,连接到安装在家里各个房间的壁挂式无管道迷你立博手机app.
- 迷你立博手机app – The primary inspiration for the system’s name, these units can support several different temperature zones, providing a different amount of cold for each room where a unit is mounted. 它们可以设置单独的恒温器,以独特地控制建筑物每个部分的冷热程度, 一些系统还配有遥控器或智能家居集成,以实现更动态、更方便的控制.
Most ductless mini-split systems can support up to four cooling zones, 允许你四个不同的房间或建筑的部分控制单独的温度设置.
Examples of Ductless Mini-Split AC Applications
对于想知道无管道迷你分体式立博手机app系统是否适合您的家庭的客户, the best way to decide is to consider your cooling needs. There are many situations where current ducts and airflow are insufficient, and others where zoned temperature control is an important feature.
Who can benefit from a ductless mini-split system?
- 立博客户端app下载s and businesses where zoning is important -无管道迷你分体式系统的主要优点是能够单独控制温度区域. Whether you want the nursery in your home to be warmer than the living room, or any other setup with efficient temperature zones, a ductless mini-split system is a smart choice.
- 立博客户端app下载s and businesses without ductwork or with insufficient ductwork – Not every building with central air is built efficiently. 你甚至可能在家里把老化的窗户嵌在墙上,而不是真正的管道系统. Other buildings have ductwork, 但是气流非常缓慢,设计也很糟糕,你几乎得不到任何好处. 无管道的小分叉可以增强不足的管道空气系统,或者可以为没有管道中央空气的旧建筑增加方便的现代立博手机app.
- Building additions where new ducts are impractical -新房间, 自然, 是否没有连接到管道系统,将管道延伸到新房间以保持凉爽可能不切实际. 无论你是在家里添置房间还是翻新车库上方的公寓, 无管道的迷你分体式系统可以为你省去一些麻烦,因为它可以为那些不能使用管道的地方提供立博手机app.
无论您是补偿缺乏令人满意的交流或您的目标是提供单独控制的温度区域, 无管道的小分叉是一个很好的解决方案,它们比全管道系统安装要求低得多.
Our Installation Process
与安装传统的管道系统相比,安装无管道迷你分体式系统所需的工作和切割要少得多, 你不需要任何专门的墙壁或天花板空间来提供按需冷却. To install your mini-split system, 我们需要一个地方放置室外冷凝器,并在每个房间指定位置放置微型机组和运行管道.
放置管道将是最复杂的部分,因为它需要在墙上钻小洞,并通过墙壁内部运行一束厚电缆和管道. 然而, once we finish the job, 你将有一个平稳运行的分区交流系统,可以单独控制, 一个房间接一个房间.
When the installation is complete, 你将看到的是一个整洁的墙壁单元,为你家里的任何房间提供稳定的冷空气供应.
Ductless Mini-Split Repairs in Las Vegas
Ductless mini-split systems have been around since the 1970s, 因此,当我们看到一个家庭或企业已经安装了一个系统来弥补管道系统的不足,或者为建筑温度区域提供更精细的控制时,我们并不感到惊讶. But like any other AC system, your ductless mini-split system can break down. If you’ve noticed a problem with one or more of your mini AC units, we can help.
Some of the common issues we fix include mini AC units that are:
- 吹暖风
- 发出嘎嘎声
- Not turning on or functioning properly
Our expert AC technicians can work on individual units and the system as a whole, 确保您方便分区的交流系统在尽可能短的时间内恢复完整的工作秩序.
遗产 Is Dedicated to Winning Your Business
无论你是在寻找一个新的无管道迷你分裂安装或需要维修现有的系统, 我们的拉斯维加斯暖通立博手机app公司致力于提供最高水准的工艺和客户关系. We keep our team small, 响应, 训练有素, so we can provide excellent service every time. 我们还与客户保持联系,以确保他们的立博手机app全年都能令人满意地运行.
But you don’t have to take our word for it. 在Yelp上看看我们吧, 谷歌, 或BBB,看看我们的服务如何在数百名像您一样的拉斯维加斯居民中建立起良好的声誉.